Leipzigbook English

The Sound Behind The Wall

An East German Underground Strory by Kai Reininghaus (260 pages, ISBN 9781079721591 – available on amazon. The novel based on „Kenton Blau – The Leipzig Diaries 1986-1987“ (Translation by Susan Wansink). Note for european readers: the book is also available on your national amazon platforms (for example on amazon Germany).

Bookcover "The Sound Behind The Wall" - an east german underground story by Kai Reininghaus


The Sound behind the Wall is a GREAT read. Fun, meaningful. Offers an inside view of the underground music scene and of life during the later stages of the Berlin Wall, through the eyes of a promising young musician. Reininghaus brings to life the feelings and hopes of young people living on their own in the big city. Concerts, romances, road trips.

He captures a slice of life of the rock music milieu, while at the same time documenting experiences of people behind the Wall during the declining years of the East German Communist dictatorship. Particularly moving are the sections describing the narrator’s mandatory service in the East German Army (the NVA) and the role that music and his friends play in helping him survive the emotional turmoil imposed by the secret police (the Stasi).Totally recommend the book!

The Sound Behind The Wall

An introduction by Frederick A. Lubich – Professor of German Old Dominion University

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Three years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Kai Reininghaus records in his Leipzig Diaries 1986 -1987 the zeitgeist, the cultural scene and sociopolitical reality in former East Germany. Although the narrative is characterized as a novel, the text clearly reflects the major facts and aspects of the author’s own biography. Just released from his three-year-stint in the army, the protagonist of the novel decides to move to Leipzig and form a rock band.

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Written in a direct and conversational style, the author takes the reader through a variety of adventures and experiences as a young man in search of musical success, sexual gratification and personal self-realization in a society in which freedom of expression and the opportunity to travel to western countries are very limited commodities.

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Drawn between rebellion and accommodation, a nostalgic love of home in the Thüringer Woods and his adventurous longing for the West, especially its prolific music scene from Reggae to Rock, the author draws a fascinatingly nuanced and authentic panorama of a country in its last stages of final collapse.
With his ears to the ground at the forefront of the Cold War, The Sound Behind the Wall perfectly captures the explosive mix of restless hope and resigned despair of a whole young generation, often lacing its observations with humorous and ironic undertones.

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Highly sensitive to the original sound of the German narrative, Susan Wansink’s translation renders it congenially into the English language. Also very useful are the footnotes that further elucidate names and details that might not be familiar to English speaking readers.
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We Were Young - Poster by Kai Reininghaus


Auszüge aus den amazon Bewertungen (German Issue)

Hier einige Lesermeinungen zum Roman „Kenton BLAU“ – mehr finden Sie direkt auf der amazon-Produktseite des Buches.

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Radiolesung in Leipzig, Oktober 2013



Kenton-BLAU-Lesung in Thüringen

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Lesung & Konzert Februar 2014 | Leipzig

Kai Reininghaus (c) fotos felicitas reininghaus

Auftakt-Lesung zur Buchveröffentlichungin Berlin Juni 2013


Plakat für eine Radio-Lesung in Leipzig

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Plakat für eine Lesung in Friedrichroda

Lesereise: Kenton BLAU in Amerika
Am Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk (VA) standen im Semester 2013 / 2014 einige Kapitel aus „Kenton BLAU – Die Leipziger Tagebücher 1986-1987“ auf dem Programm. Dr. Susan Wansink, Dozentin im Bereich „Foreign Languages and Literatures“, traf den Autor bei einer Lesung in Berlin, war spontan begeistert und entschloss sich, das Buch als Grundlage für ihren „Advanced Conversation and Composition“ – Kurs zu nutzen. virginiawesleyan-logoDr. Susan Wansink: Kenton Blau is a GREAT read. Fun, meaningful. Offers an inside view of the music scene and of life in the later stages of the GDR through the eyes of a promising young musician. Reininghaus brings to life the feelings and hopes of young people living on their own in the big city. Concerts, romances, road trips.
He captures a slice of life of the rock music milieu, while at the same time documenting experiences of people during the declining years of the East German Communist regime. Particularly moving are the sections describing the narrator’s time in the NVA and the role that music and his friends play in helping him survive the emotional turmoil imposed by the Stasi.Kenton Blau_Leipziger Tagebuecher_kai reininghausLeipzig | Berlin | Virginia: Lesereise in die Vereinigten Staaten
Lesung & Konzert an der Virginia Wesleyan University_Kai Reininghaus_Kenton Blau

Lesung & Konzert an der Virginia Wesleyan University

Auf Einladung des Virginia Wesleyan College (Norfolk / VA) begab sich Kai Reininghaus im Januar 2014 auf eine Lesereise in die Vereinigten Staaten. Hierzu erschien 2014 unter dem Titel „Kenton Blau in Amerika“ eine Reisereportage mit zahlreichen Fotografien (alle Infos dazu unter diesem Link: Amerikabuch).
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Vernissage + Kenton Blau Lesung: Berlin Juli 2016
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Kenton BLAU
hier klicken (PDF) Kurzinfo Kenton BLAU

The SOUND Of Kenton BLAU – Musik im Roman

the sound of kenton blau (c) kai reininghaus

Eine zentrale Rolle im Roman „Kenton BLAU“ spielt ohne Zweifel die Musik. Songs, Bands, Künstler, Alben – als eine Art Fixpunkte, die den Helden im Alltag begleiten. Gefühle und Stimmungen widerspiegeln. Halt geben. Die deutlich machen, dass trotz Mauer, Grenzzäunen und ideologische Barrieren man auf beiden Seiten Deutschlands gar nicht so verschieden war. Und noch etwas ist spürbar, klingt immer wieder an: Die Magie des Radios. Funkwellen breiten sich aus, sind nicht zu halten. Turn Your Radio On!
Einige Beispiele für den „Soundtrack“ der Leipziger Tagebücher 1986-1987 sind auf diesem PDF zum Download aufgeführt: The Sound Of Kenton BLAU

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Packshot „Kenton BLAU – Die Leipziger Tagebücher 1986-1987“

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Kai Reininghaus 1987 in Leipzig

Alle Rechte bei Kai Reininghaus – (c) Kai Reininghaus – Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach § 1 UrhG durch Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Zumpf, Berlin. | Artwork cairo